The Desert Tarantula


The Desert Tarantula (Aphonopelma sp.) is one of the largest spiders in North America. This genus of spiders can only be found in the American continent.

These spiders mainly eat insects, but sometimes they eat small lizards and snakes! All Tarantulas have venom that they inject into their prey, but the desert tarantula’s venom is very mild, and is said to hurt like a bee sting.

Desert Tarantulas live in burrows that they line with silk, they use this silk to sense vibrations and the females use it to attract mates with pheromones. At night you can see them waiting for prey at the entrance.


Waiting at entrance.

When the males mature sexually, they leave their burrows in search of a willing female. They can walk for miles in search of one. If the lucky guy finds a willing female they will mate. The female may choose to eat the male if she wants to, if the male is lucky enough to run, she will retreat into her burrow leaving him unharmed.

After a few months the female will lay the egg sack and protect it until it hatches, then the spiders will break free and leave home and mom behind. The spiders will continue to molt and grow until they are as big as mom, the spiders start out at roughly half an inch long, at the end of their lives they can reach up to five inches!


The Desert Tarantula has also made an impact in the pet industry. Their size and normally calm and gentle nature makes them a great pet for beginners, and many people own one. (Including yours truly)


Images from George Grall, and Romero Canyon.