The Desert Tortoise


The Desert Tortoise (gopherus agassizii) is a large tortoise that is endemic to the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. They are the only tortoises to live in the area. They can live up to 80 years and live very reclusive lives. They eat many plants including grasses, flowers and fruit. These tortoises dig very large shell shaped burrows in the sides of mountains or into the ground. They emerge from these burrows in the morning to scavenge the desert floor. They are active during the day (diurnal) and are inside their burrows at night. They do not have many predators because of their hard shells, but the juveniles with softer shells are preyed upon by coyotes.

These tortoises are vulnerable and are a protected species. Their habitat is threatened by urban progress. If you see one, keep at a distance and don’t disturb it.

Variable Ground Snake

The Variable Ground Snake is a small rear fanged snake that is commonly found in the Mojave Desert. It can be found under rocks and logs in semi-arid to arid habitats.

This snake eats insects and small lizards, and isn’t big enough to eat larger things like mice. These can snakes get between 4 and 8 inches in length. They are preyed upon because of their small size. Also because of their small size, they are able to fit into small spaces like insect burrows.

These snakes can come in many different colors, they can be striped, banded, or have none of the above.


Here is a banded individual we found when rock flipping.



Southern Desert Horned Lizard

pplatyrhinosdt6173The Southern Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos calidiarum) is a kind of horned lizard that lives in all of the Mojave Desert.  They range from California all the way to Arizona. They live in many different habitats but the most common place to find them is in a flat open desert.

They eat harvester ants and similar insects while searching the desert by day. Many animals eat these little guys including most hawks, owls, coyotes, large snakes you name it. They only have a few defenses. Their main defense is sharp spines on the back of their heads, it stops them from getting swallowed by snakes, and other animals.  This species is not know to squirt blood out of it’s eyes like it’s cousins. Also unlike it’s cousins it lays eggs instead of giving live birth. They use camouflage as their main source of hiding defenses, they come in many different colors. This species is also known for be able to run short distances very fast.


Try to find the little guy!


First Image from Gary Nafis of CaliforniaHerps. Go check their website!


Desert Banded Gecko

cropped-untitled2.pngThe Desert banded gecko is a unique type of Gecko that is only found in the southwest of North America and Mexico. These Geckos live in dry and dark places, like under rocks, leaf litter, and wood.

Desert Banded geckos have a silky smooth skin with small granulated scales, and are soft to the touch. They can have a variety of different patterns, they can be banded,  striped, checkered, and anything in-between. The one in the picture is a mix of all of these.

These geckos eat insects and other invertebrates they store the fat in their tails, and can preform caudal autotomy (break off their tails), and after they do this the tail will grow back after a few months.They are eaten by almost any predator. They are scared easily and may squeak if disturbed.

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A younger Gecko without a tail


The Mojave Green Rattle Snake


The Mojave Green Rattle Snake is one of the most common rattle snakes in the Mojave Desert. With it’s range stretching from California to Arizona and down into Mexico. It is also one of the most venomous snakes in the world, with a neurotoxic venom that will leave you in the hospital or worse.

This rattle snake lives in holes or crevices in rocky terrain to keep cool and is rarely seen during the day. They come out at night in search of prey. These rattle snakes eat many things including, small mammals, birds, lizards, and even other snakes! They will eat anything that they can get their mouth around.

These snakes are somewhat different from other snakes in regards that they give live birth instead of laying eggs.

Rattle Snakes are born without rattles, they start out with what we call a “button”. Every time they shed their skin a new piece is added to the rattle.


An adult snakes rattle.

These snakes are commonly seen as blood thirsty demons that will strike at any chance they get, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Rattle snakes only want to be left alone, they see people as threats. If you see one, give it a respectful distance. If you hear one make sure to always jump backwards, there is a better chance that the snake is in front of you instead of behind. And always, watch your step!

Images from Bob Christopher, “Ghost32Writer” Snake Video from recurvirostridae on Youtube.