Southern Desert Horned Lizard

pplatyrhinosdt6173The Southern Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos calidiarum) is a kind of horned lizard that lives in all of the Mojave Desert.  They range from California all the way to Arizona. They live in many different habitats but the most common place to find them is in a flat open desert.

They eat harvester ants and similar insects while searching the desert by day. Many animals eat these little guys including most hawks, owls, coyotes, large snakes you name it. They only have a few defenses. Their main defense is sharp spines on the back of their heads, it stops them from getting swallowed by snakes, and other animals.  This species is not know to squirt blood out of it’s eyes like it’s cousins. Also unlike it’s cousins it lays eggs instead of giving live birth. They use camouflage as their main source of hiding defenses, they come in many different colors. This species is also known for be able to run short distances very fast.


Try to find the little guy!


First Image from Gary Nafis of CaliforniaHerps. Go check their website!


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